A full training programme extends over four days.
Morning : Theoretical aspects
3h00 training + lunch break
Afternoon : Practical and entertainment aspects
3h00 training + coffee break
1st module : To be or not to be
General conduct :
Appearance and first impression
Equality and individual freedom
Cultural differences
Reception and hospitality
Courtesy – Etiquette - Decency
Good manners - Politeness
2nd module : Cocktail Party
Receiving guests and being received :
Business protocol
“Art de la table” ( kitchen and table art )
Arrangements, showcasing the residence, outfit, tableware
Reception and hospitality
Conversation, timing of the meal, service, conduct
Good manners – Politeness
3rd module : European attitudes & protocols
Behavior :
Etiquette protocol
European and International habits and customs
Rules and protocol practice
Protocols and official ceremonies
State visits and summits
Communication; Oral & Body language
Non- violent communication
Acceptance of the other
4th module : The Final Touch / Social life
Social life :
Keeping up the elegance
Learning to walk with distinction
Sartorial elegance
Conversation & self-promotion